MindfulnessWhat is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is, quite simply, the art of being aware of the present moment, aware of what is arising inside us and around us.  Jon Kabat Zinn defines it as “Paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally”.  I find it useful to think of paying attention with friendly curiosity, because as soon as we try to be non-judgemental, we quickly get “judgey” about being non-judgmental!

Where can I learn about mindfulness?

At Take Care we teach mindfulness.  You can read more about our mindfulness courses.  We also provide one-on-one mentoring sessions to help you develop your mindfulness practice.

What is Mindfulness Mentoring?

There are many mindfulness approaches and techniques available.  Different approaches appeal to different people.   We work with a variety of practical tools that help you integrate mindfulness into your everyday life.  Over a course of sessions we find which techniques and approaches resonate with you and then we work on making them a core part of your day.  We help you overcome your individual roadblocks to mindfulness.

Who is Mindfulness Mentoring suitable for?

It is suitable for anybody who is interested in developing a mindfulness practice.  We work with people from all walks of life, busy executives, people who are dealing with chronic pain or illness, harassed parents and anxious children.

What is mindful living?

Mindful living is bringing mindfulness to everyday activities so that you are aware of what you are thinking, how you are feeling, and how you are acting. Being aware in this way allows you to make better choices for yourself and in your relationships.

What is mindful practice?

Mindful practices train our attention so that we can live mindfully.  Some take only a minute or so to do and can be done informally throughout the day. Others take 10 minutes or more and require regular practice to experience benefits.

How can mindfulness help in daily living?

Mindfulness has been proven to reduce to the impact of stress leading to improvements in physical and emotional health.  It is used in the treatment of anxiety and depression, to support cancer and cardiac patients, and help people experiencing complex mental health issues.

How can mindfulness help in the workplace?

Developing a mindfulness practice has been shown to increase the grey matter in your brain, improving memory, and increasing your capacity for focus and attention.  These cognitive shifts can increase your effectiveness in work.  Mindfulness also helps you to develop your emotional intelligence leading to better relationships with your colleagues.

 Is Mindfulness suitable for everyone?

Yes it is but on rare occasions, particularly when the individual has experienced traumatic events, it maybe necessary to do some specific work focussed on reducing traumatic symptoms while developing a mindfulness practice.